Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mitt Romney has now promised to preserve the charitable contributions deduction. That makes his intention to lower tax rates by 20% and keep the plan revenue neutral more difficult to achieve (if you believe it possible in the first place).

Friday, August 10, 2012

Many parents are NOT teaching their children enough about money and taxes!

Considered more important - from the Journal of Accountancy:

The importance of good manners (95%).
The benefits of good eating habits (87%).
The importance of getting good grades (87%).
The dangers of drugs and alcohol (84%).
The risks of smoking (82%).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Average tax refunds

In 2011, the average 2010 IRS tax refund was $2,880. 

The average Massachusetts refund as of March 7, 2011 (TY 2010) was $479.